Thursday, October 29, 2009

we are all cowardly ...

When I look around, I always ask myself on. why people now seem to have no god. whether they have forgotten their origins?. they do not fear the Day of Resurrection?. are questions that I often play in mind. However, I am only mortal. I am only a servant who wants to uphold the truth. I want to see this world be in peace and harmony. not to see bloodshed that occurred in Muslim countries. why there must be war. oh! I forgot. all men want power. so they are willing to do anything to implement their dreams. However, they should realize that the world will not remain forever and they will not be eternal life on this earth. so, why they need to do violence above all mankind?. why should they sacrificed innocent lives?. why they need to transform themselves in fear every child palestine?. why, why, why?. I was only able to say that during that passed by saw the suffering of Muslims in Palestine. I see fear in their eyes. I am confident that one day they will rise to oppose violence committed by Yiddish. I also believe that one day victory will favor the Muslims. I believe, I believe. but, why Muslims in this world does not provide assistance to people palastine?. But, the Muslims in this world are many. they should be united against the Jews. In fact, they themselves know that you help other Muslim will be rewarded a great reward with Allah. They were all afraid. Afraid. Afraid. Hopefully this post I will raise and restore the spirit of Muslims around the world. amin


1-hair we can accommodate up to three kilograms weight.
2-people who work at night more easily become obese than those working in day.
3-number of men who find their lives more happy after the divorce is 58 percent, while women, 85
4-ralph lifshitz is for ralph lauren real name, which is producing the world famous brand perfumes.
5-rice is the staple food for more than half the population of the earth. while, in the tradition to
throw rice wedding is as symbolizing fertility.
6-scorpion can survive up to 200 times the threat of nuclear energy than men.
7-every three minutes, there is a report made about UFO spotted by a person on the planet earth.
in the U.S. report is the most made at 9.00 pm and 3.00 pm.
8-etruscans ancient society (800-500 AD before in italy) tomb painting with white women, while
male graves, red.

GEMPAR! Bayi renung mata ibunya sebelum mati dicekik.

Assalam mualaikum semua.
Today I want to enter a story that I take from Mastika to teaching for those made Eve. This story may be a little bit long. Furthermore, I tired to Summarize the story .. Enjoy.

Sewaktu berada di sebuah Universiti, Fatihah mengenali seorang lelaki. lama kelamaan mereka saling menyukai. Perhubungan Fatihah dengan Badrul makin rapat sehingga Fatihah rebah dalam pelukan cinta Badrul. Tanpa disedari, Fatihah menyerahkan segala kehormatannya kepada Badrul kerana terlalu sayangkan lelaki itu.
Tiga bulan selepas itu, Fatihah disahkan mengandung. Fatihah meminta Badrul bertanggungjawab. Tetapi lelaki itu mengelakkan dirinya. Badrul tidak mahu bertanggungjawab diatas perkara itu.
Hari demi hari, perut Fatihah makin membesar. Fatihah mula memikirkan untuk menggugurkan kandungannya. Tetapi Fatihah tidak mempunyai wang untuk melakukannya. Dia terus mengandungkan bayi tersebut.
Suatu pagi, ketika Fatihah sedang mengulang kaji pelajaranmya, tiba-tiba dia terasa perutnya memulas-mulas. Dia pun terus berlari ke bilik air. Fatihah dapat rasakan kandungannya hendak keluar bila-bila masa. Selepas 40 minit bertarung nyawa, akhirnya Fatihah berjaya melahirkan seorng bayi lelaki. Sebaik lahir kedunia, bayi itu terus menangis.
Fatihah menjadi panik dan takut jika suara tangisan bayi itu akan didengari oleh semua orang. Akhirnya Fatihah menyumbat mulut bayi itu dengan sehelai kain batik sehingga bayi itu berhenti menangis. Akhirnya tiada lagi kedengaran tangisan bayi lelaki itu. Fatihah tenung muka bayi itu. Tiba-tiba bayi yang baru lahir itu membuka kelopak matanya. Mata bayi itu bersinar. Fatihah betul2 terkejut waktu itu. Mana mungkin bayi yang baru lahir boleh membuka mata. Bayi itu terus merenungnya dengan tajam. Disebabkan ketakutan, Fatihah mengalihkan pandangannya. Dia tidak sanggup bertentang mata dengan bayi itu.
Selepas beberapa minit, mata bayi itu tertutup dan terus menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir. Fatihah mengucup dahi bayi itu dan menyorokkannya di dalam baju. Fatihah kemudian turun ke bawah blok dan mencampakkan bayi tersebut kedalam tong sampah.
Pihak polis menjalankan siasatan rapi dan akhirnya Fatihah ditangkap. Masa polis tahan Fatihah pun, dia dah separuh gila. Emosinya terganggu selepas membunuh bayinya. Fatihah menangis dan meraung-raung apabila terbayang pandangan mata bayinya. Apabila bayangan itu hilang, Fatihah ketawa terbahak-bahak.
Selepas kejadian itu, Fatihah telah dikenakan tindakan dan dibuang dari Universiti.
ingatlah firman ini wahai kaum Hawa:
"Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat (yang membawa kerosakan)." Surah al-Isra': Ayat 32.

Sumber: Mastika keluaran November 2009.